Friday, October 19, 2012


I started this post by inserting the image above of Adam Levine. Normally I do it backwards (photos come in after the entry), but today, I needed that tattooed, cut physique to keep me going because I hardly slept last night due to organizing a celebrity cover shoot for BC US. Good thing Mathis (my 2-month old son) only woke up twice last night. He's growing up. Sniff.

Anyway, this post is about Adam Levine because I've been watching him a lot on "The Voice" lately. I'm only on the blind auditions for season 3, but my money is on Mycle Wastman, the little girl who sang "Toxic," and the boy who sang "Pumped Up Kicks" (the latter mainly because he reminds me of Emile Hirsch crossed with Justin Beiber).

When my eldest daughter was about 2 or 3 years old, we had a Bugaboo stroller that I used for carting stuff I shopped for, while her dad wore her on a baby carrier. Nice, huh? That's what I call functional. So on one of those shopping trips, I think it was at Zara or H&M in New York, I hoarded a bunch of clothes on the Bugaboo, and was going about my ways when all the items on said stroller fell to the floor. Of course I was annoyed, since picking up stuff meant bending and accidentally working out in the process, so I was oblivious of my surroundings. BUT, this damsel in back distress had a knight-in-a-shirt-and-jeans who helped her pick up all the stuff from the floor: you guessed it--Adam Levine.

But the story doesn't end here. The guy who helped me was a paler, tamer version of Levine, who looked more like this:

But I still recognized him because even back then, I loved the song, um, "She Will Be Loved." Lacking adjectives due to lack of sleep. They were pretty new as a band, but the song was off the charts.

So Adam helps me dump back all my stuff into the stroller, and I thank him while the girl he was with looked on. I think they were by the cashier that time. He was very charming and pleasant, seemed quiet and easygoing to me.

After that, I was naturally excited to tell my husband about "meeting" Adam, when a few feet after the experience, ALL my stuff comes tumbling down to the floor again. Argh! So annoyed at myself, but lo and behold, Adam helps me--AGAIN. This time, I don't think he was very up to the task, but regardless, he helped one more time and that's what's important. He is a true gentleman and I say my "super thanks" all over again (plus apologizing profusely this time). I hurry out of the scene for fear that he might think I was doing it on purpose. Moves like Jagger, I do not possess, for sure.

So there you have it, ladies and gents. A firsthand account of my meetin' Levine, and why I will always and forever be a fan. Too bad I had just given birth when I got the invite for a press meet and greet with Bench recently.

Here's a photo of myself and Sabina with that stroller, years (and many lbs) ago. Should've had it signed. Tsk, tsk.

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