Sunday, October 21, 2012


There, I said it. I was a QP w/ C kinda girl for most of my adult life. And I admit having gained quite the number of kilos due to In 'N Out while living in LA.

However, dare I say it, my husband has come up with what has got to be my most favorite burger in the history of...of...time. Is that too long ago? But it feels that way to me. Thank you to The Farm Organics
(TFO) for curing me of my former addictions, and diverting it to a new one. Hey, at least they're certified organic beef patties.

I am the biggest critic when it comes to food, and am a hard audience (rather, tummy) to please. So because he is my husband and the co-founder of TFO, he gets no mercy from me. For the meantime, you can only order it online for delivery from Now, who stole my fries?

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