Tuesday, January 11, 2011


If there is anything I did a lot of in NY with my family, it was trying out restaurants--many of which I regret not taking better note of in terms of their name. Just to give you an idea about this whole eating frenzy, when I was pregnant with Maxine, I was eating so much banana split sundaes that the specific diner in Jersey I would go to (Friendly's, which is similar to IHOP or Denny's) would sell it to me in WHOLESALE. That's how much I consumed, and I wonder why I can't shake off the "baby weight."

Anyway, going back, one of those restos I loved in NY is L'Ulivo. It was my secret spot, the go-to for their truffle pizza. The staff are friendly to families, and they usually accommodate our request for an outside table, which I prefer during Fall season. If I remember right, the menu even had a child's writing on it.

(212) 343-1445
184 Spring St
New York, NY 10012

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